How to get a job in Qatar? Few helping points for the all inquirers –
1- 5 Years plus experience in your respective field is highly desirable along with a valid passport.
2- Knowledge of good English and Arabic is a strong point.
3- Medical fitness is a must. Do not try to fool the authorities.
4- Driving and cooking skills are quite helpful in easy survival and saving money.
5- Keep a check with gheewala and jerryverghese kind of strong head hunter recruiters if you are highly qualified and searching a job in oil and gas industry.
6- Keep a tap on and also on’s classified sections for job search.
7- Nobody actually asks you for money for visa process. So pls stay away from those who ask for money.
8- Spendthrifts actually are the biggest loosers here and spread rumors. So stay away from such negative people.
9- Do not stop at applying and waiting. Keep checking and approaching for the vacant posts.
10- Stay away from those recruiters who ask for heavy fees for the job.
11- Keep searching on google for vacancies and submit your resume on the companies you are looking to work for.
12- Recently authorities in Qatar declared visa free visits and that doesn’t means that you don’t need anything at all. Please
go through all terms and condition before risking anything professionally. It is actually a little long process to get a job here. So better do ground work in advance.
Note – Qatar is highly progressive country with most modern equipped security devices at the airport. Their rules are very strict and if you are highly disciplined, peace loving, skilled professional, you can really live a very comfortable life here. All the best!👍🏻