My father used to bring it from Rampur along with singhade ki kachri. All made in cow’s desi ghee. That tiny halwai shop owner told my father that how his forefathers left Kashi’s palaces and settled down in Rampur. Because his mother was so much in love with her mayka.
Pista lauz, this laiya and many other things are quite difficult to find now a days.
This recipe is all about fresh walnuts, milk boiling and consistency of the ghee. But to make things bit easier, used khoa and sugar instead of brown shakkar.
Ingredients –
2 Cups – Khoa
4 Cups – Fried and powdered walnuts
2 Cups of powdered sugar
1 Tbsp vanilla essence
2 Tbsps desi ghee
Method –
1- Turn on heat, In a big pan keep desi ghee, warm it.
2- Add khoa and fry on lowest heat until it turns light brown.
3- Add sugar and mix well.
4- Add walnuts powder and vanilla essence.
5- Fry on lowest flame until oil starts leaving the material.
6- Close immediately and pour in a container.
7- Garnish with full walnut giri.