The bangles you gave me Mom!

In a gleam of pure enchantment, it shines,
A symbol of love, a treasure divine,
A golden bangle, bestowed with grace,
A cherished gift that time cannot erase.
On my wedding day, with a mother’s pride,
She gently placed it on my wrist, tied,
A legacy passed from her loving hand,
A bond between us, forever grand.
Each glimmering curve whispers a tale,
Of strength, of tradition that shall not fail,
An heirloom of memories, old and new,
That binds our hearts, forever true.
A delicate embrace, twinkling in the light,
This golden bangle, so precious, so bright,
It carries the weight of a mother’s love,
Guiding my steps, as I soar and rise above.
With every gentle clink on my arm,
I feel her presence, a soothing calm,
A reminder of the love that she imparts,
Etched in gold, forever in our hearts.
Through joy and laughter, and tears that fall,
This golden bangle stands unyielding through all,
A symbol of heritage, it holds the key,
To a legacy of love, to cherish and decree.
So, I wear it proudly, on this journey of mine,
A cherished treasure, a precious sign,
Of a mother’s love, an unbreakable bond,
With this golden bangle, forever fond.

O’ My shelf of spices!

In the heart of the kitchen’s bustling domain,
Where flavors awaken and stories remain,
Lies a treasure trove, a fragrant delight,
A symphony of spices, igniting our appetite.
Cumin, the warrior of earthy allure,
Sprinkles its warmth, revealing a secret cure,
With every pinch, it dances on the tongue,
Adding depth and warmth to where it’s hung.
Turmeric, radiant with its golden hue,
A burst of sunshine in each dish it imbues,
Its healing powers, a magical caress,
Brightening flavors, a true culinary finesse.
Ginger, the wondrous root, fiery and bold,
Zests up the taste buds, as stories unfold,
A spicy companion, both vibrant and sweet,
Infusing dishes with a zing that’s hard to beat.
Cardamom, the queen of fragrance untold,
Unleashing its perfume, delicate and bold,
A sprinkle of pods, a moment of bliss,
Enveloping senses, with a lingering kiss.
Cloves, like tiny blossoms, deep and rich,
Unfurling their essence, a potent witch,
With their heady aroma, they conquer the air,
Adding warmth and allure, a dance beyond compare.
Cinnamon, the spice of comfort and ease,
Wraps dishes in its cozy, aromatic breeze,
A touch of nostalgia, a soulful embrace,
Transforming ordinary into a sweet, spicy grace.
Coriander, humble, yet full of delight,
Unleashing its citrusy zest, ever so bright,
A sprinkle of seeds, a taste that astounds,
Bringing harmony to flavors, like a magical sound.
Oh, spices, you enchanting friends so grand,
In the kitchen, you weave a delicious command,
With every dash, a story comes alive,
Awakening our senses, making us thrive.
So, celebrate these spices, divine and rare,
For in the kitchen, they whisper tales to share,
Let them dance in harmony, day and night,
Igniting our palates, with flavors that ignite.