Not everybody is happy with you. They will eat full mango but cry if you will even get a thinnest slice of mango. In Uttar Pradesh side they have name of Jal-Kukdu. So these Jal-Kukdus are getting jealous for nothing now a days.
1- Control your conversations. Less you tell things less tension in between.
2- Control your timings of mobile discussions. Set it for 2-4 minutes only and that way less things will be discussed.
3- Control of personal discussions. Discuss ghosts/Nasa/Elon Musk/Covid/Global warming.
4- Control your personal financial improvements topics in between.
5- Control your discusions of the personal progress or happiness or travels discussions. Stay quite.
6- Control these close relatives topics. No not at all. That way you will discard 80-90% tensions in the family.
7- Control getting overwhelmed. During the personal visits limit the gifts exchange. Focus on good food or recipe sharing details.
8- Control your personal jealousy too. Never interfere about their selection of life choices. Stay calm and distanced.
9- Discuss music, songs, movies during the 50-70% of the time. Skip all personal topics. Anything very important just text them.
10- Avoid sending personal audio messages about third person to them. You never know with whom theh are sharing. Avoid sending text as well as they might be forwarding the screen shots as well.
Stay less connected and more happy n blesssed!🦋