Few days back I saw famous vlogger Lata Jain Didi’s aam ki launzi recipe on youtube. This recipe is very close to my heart actually. Since childhood with hot piping desi ghee ka paranthas we used to lick our fingers with this summers delight instant pickle.
I kept reminding myself to make it sometime for sure. And finally I made it. Big thanks to Lata Jain Didi for digging out the forgotten recipes-from time to time and encourage us to do something creative in kitchen.
Aam ki launzi is a famous quick to made recipe and you won’t trust me if I tell you that in Uttar Pradesh each city got their own version of making this very simple but amazingly tasty pickle.
Meerut people add a pinch of green cardamom to this aam ki launji, Mujjafarnagar people like to make this with spiced jaggery, Bareilly version contains little all spices(garam masala), Rampuri launji contains more sugar and Allahabad version contains black salt in it.
So one green mango launzi and loads versions. Here I am narrating you a family recipe from Moradabad.
Ingredients – (1 time serving for 2-3 people)
1 Cup peeled and chopped fresh crisp green mango (sour)
1/4 Cup sugar
1 Tsp salt
1/4 Tsp Asofoetida powder
1/2 Tsp Kalaunzi/onion seeds
1/2 Tsp methidana/fenugreek seeds powder
1 Tsp red chilli powder (according to taste)
1/2 Tsp turmeric powder
1/4 Tsp black pepper
1 Tsp Saunf(fennel seeds) powder
2 Tsp refind oil
Method –
1- Heat up oil in a non stick pan very well.
2- Close the flame and add methidana powder, Kalaunzi/onion seeds, Asofoetida to the heated oil and mix well.
3- Now add chopped mango, salt, red chillies powder, black pepper and turmeric powder to it and mix well.
4- Now turn on the flame and cook these mango mix for few minutes and let it turn little soft.
5- Now add sugar, fennel seeds powder to it and mix well. (Keep the flame lowest).
6- After 3-4 minutes it will turn gooey and jam type. Close the flame and pour into bowl.