My kitchen story belongs to you too? 

1- I don’t need a thing(utensil) for one year but if  I keep it in store n after one hour or one day I need it 100 times.
2- I don’t cook for myself n I have nothing to eat in house. I cook something for me with great efforts n realize after having it that there are at least 2 good things in fridge.
3- If I give normal food in office lunch n my hubby is like “I m earning n m not getting proper food even or Nobody cares about my well being” but if I give one extra good thing in lunch box and hubby is like “Do u think I go office to eat all the time?”
4- My kid’s school got a black hole syncing my kids lunch boxes & water bottles.But it is always Mummy’s fault if they are lost.
5- If I pack home cooked food, my kids r like”R we poor?” I give readymade food n kids r like “Why r u lazy?” 
6- I m born to eat all the bad leftovers. Good leftovers are only for hubby n kids becoz they loved it.
7- I don’t get appreciation of well made food lot many times because TV channel is running a newly released block buster movie n everybody is more focused on movie rather than food. 
8- If something cook is very tasty n quantity is proportionate I might ending up in having nothing or little. If it is more than required quantity than also I will get little because it was too good.
8- The moment I cook some thing normal my past good cooking history is deleted from all family persons mind with a tagline on all faces “why dont you cook good food”?
9- Weekend with no groceries means you need to stir something magical from nothing in house within 5-10 minutes. 
10- Leftovers in fridge – nobody interested, leftovers in the fridge – u finish that = everybody shouting “where is that?” 
11- Distributing one edible thing into two kids means you  need a degree in architecture so that it can be same length n weight and height for both kids. 

So I hope lot many housewives must be going through these point lot many times too.

Happy cooking and managing your beloved kitchen!

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