Recently my kids told me about misbehave kids do with school bus staff on regular basis. Like calling them names or not obeying their instructions.
Lot many times it is not about kids mannerisms, it is about us that how and which kind of mindsets we are raising our kids with?
1- Before starting a day with school each kids should know that how to behave with the bus driver who drives them safely to the school and brings back them to parents. They are like angels to each parent and a big responsibility holder for school management too. One should treat them with utmost respect and reverence.
2- When driver is busy is heading off to school or from school to home, it is helper/conductor who keeps peace and seating management in the bus so your kid should know that by creating useless fights or shouts or crying he is creating a life threatening situation for all other passengers as well as driver too. Tell them that to complaint once bus is slow or stopped in between. Not in a full speed running bus.
3- Each teacher sleeps late and gets early in the morning. She is the one who takes care of the whole class and multiple periods for several classes. Speaking continuously is a real tiring and stressful job. So if our kid is talking uselessly despite of several warning, he is actually creating a health issue for other human being who is trying to guide him/her through the educational path. Be strict and keep asking your kid if they were good with teachers during the day?
4- Gate keepers/security guards are not personal enemies. They are on the gates of school as a first protection of your kids. Giving them utmost respect makes them feel good about their jobs.
5- School Principals are one of the top management person who goes through a big tunnel of responsibilities towards the students, school educational staff, house keeping staff and transport staff as well as store, accounts and IT team. After that her/his social and management duties also keep busy for whole day. And imagine a single person working as a wonder woman or superman. Can you even imagine the kind of stress they face each hour?Parents issues are one more and biggest edition on their shoulders.
6- Cleanliness of class and school premises as well as school transportation is first eye opening guidance each kid shall get from their home. Being dirty means getting a life long habit of creating mess for family and whole world. Let them start early and that too from the school bus itself. Avoid giving heavy breakfast early morning as lot many times kids start puking in the bus. Ask them to take out a polybag from bag and puke in and sit little bit far from others.
Be human and teach kids also about this every second day so that the world around them is less stressed.
As a parents we can teach our kids at early stage to be a part of a better, healthier and happier world. Isn’t it?