Never bought actually but yes somebody gave me a big bag full of kids stuff as they were quite old couple.Being in high post and their visits to several countries and being here in Qatar they had a huge house. In fact the lady gave me 2–3 big bags as we are very good family friends.
She asked me to check, keep for my little kids and distribute to several kids in need of those kind of STUFF.
Now guess what I got inside? Sevral new unused THICK sticker comics, Japanese handmade stunningly beautiful paper sheets, Toy sets of steel assemblies, stensils of Disney, several packs of vintage tissue papers, stamps collections, unused skin socks 20–30 packs, unused n packed chopsticks pairs, and finally alongwith so many other things a big ziplock bag full of Mcdonald toys. Several corporate events diaries, t-shirts and caps.
My both kids spent 3 years playing and enjoying with that stuff. And for several years we kept gifting those wonderful THICK sticker books on birthdays.