What to avoid in new relationships list for females!

1- Stay in your financial shoes as well as emotional shoes.That too strictly. Let him spend.Leave your feminism mind back for a while. He may feel bad or start taking you for granted.

2- Do not splurge money on him. Spending too much means giving him direct sign that you are kind of insecure of yourself.

3- Do not post on social media a lot about your feelings about him. Respect his privacy as well as yours too.

4- Do not check his background a lot. He can get pissed off that you are trying to snoop.

5- Stay humble, stable and controlled. Do not overdo of your past talks or your parents background.

6- No matter what he says, shows or do, just stay reserve and be happy.

7- Do not raise his expectation by overdoing anything.

8- Texting, calling or mails, limit yourself.

9- Ask yourself a question “you want him as life partner later or just a playmate”? After that move further.

10- Do not disclose your financial issues or assets too much.

11- Just stay smiling, INTELLIGENT and beautiful.

12- Show you best and look like limited edition one. Not a cheap-stake and head over heels type.

13- Any daytime calls just take few and cut short. Let him be curious n crazy for you.

14- Be a woman for him not MAMA AVAILABLE FOR FREE ALL TIME kind of thing. 👍🏻🌟👍🏻

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